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The Boquet River Association (BRASS) is a small membership-based, volunteer-oriented non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of water and life in the 280-square mile watershed. The association was formed in 1984.

BRASS relies on memberships, donations and grants to fund its projects and programs. As with many organizations the current economy has reduced available grants and we are relying on our existing and new members, plus donations, to continue funding our work. Thank you in advance for considering the health of the Boquet River, surrounding lands and ultimately Lake Champlain worthy of your support.

Membership is open to any individual or group supporting the goals of the association. Members are entitled to newsletters, a vote in BRASS affairs and are encouraged to participate in BRASS activities and help make decisions that will affect the future of the watershed.

The membership year runs from June 1st to May 31st and all dues and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Membership dues and donations may be made via PayPal or Credit Card by simply selecting the “Donate” button following and entering the appropriate amount.

If you prefer to mail your dues and/or donation, print this form and mail it to – Boquet River Association, 5 Farrel Road, Essex, NY 12996.

Full Creel – $100+

Atlantic Salmon – $50

Brown Trout – $35

Speckled Trout – $25

Minnow – $10
